A trip to River Styx

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River Styx, Ohio, that is.

There is a Styx River- down in the left hand corner of this photo.

Don’t feel bad, I could hardly see it and I was standing right above it.

But is is Autumn here in NE Ohio and that means lovely leaves and trees.

And so we went for a walk in the park at River Styx.


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It is farm land out there.  river styx and environs 030

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And really restful and beautiful in the fall.

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Yes, indeed, very quiet and restful.

I am NOT obsessed with socks…

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I just have to make about 7 more pairs.

I made these grey alpaca for Willow- and they fit perfectly.

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” You want me try them on here?

Right now?”

Yes- so I can see if they fit.


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They Fit!

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And so do these!

But if I don’t make a whole lot more, I will forget HOW to make them.

I can’t read a pattern- I have to memorize the steps.

So I’m on a great sock adventure!

Now I have to get some more fine wool.


Happy Birthday, Luke (and beautiful skies!)


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Happy Birthday to my handsome son!

– Thirty two years ago we were gifted with our first son- it was a beautiful day- warm and mellow with just a hint of fall in the air.  The trees were bright with the promise of more color to come.  And then, there he was, our child, filled with all of the possibilities and problems that we all travel to this world with as baggage.

And yet, as he grew, the problems were few, the blessings many, and the joy he left in his wake made us all richer.

I took some pictures of the skies this week- some were so bright and some rather threatening – just like our lives.  This is the world we share and enjoy- it is all we have to offer to our children- this and the love that God has given to us- a heritage of the holy- a hope for a better world. 

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Searching for St. Nicholas

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My daughter in law asked me if I have a cookie cutter for St. Nicholas.

Or if I would consider making cookies for Aidan for that day in December.

I looked at my cutters and I have many of St. Nick dressed up as Santa- but none in his bishop’s robes.  So I am going to cut them out freehand and decorate the cookies with appropriate crosses and mitres and bishop’s crook.

But seriously, I have hundreds of cookie cutters.  I have made thousands of cut outs over the years I have been baking professionally and you would think I had at least one St. Nick.

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I have bears and soldiers, snowmen and bells, pigs and cats, flowers and horses-

rabbits and lions and gingerbread boys and girls.

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reindeer, woodland deer and moose- hands and feet.

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Ra bbits and birds…

St Nick 008teapots and teacups.

And santas…St Nick 009

But not even one St. Nicholas.


No, not one- but possibly two.

I was working with some rather strange shaped “santas” last night and look what I came up with!

Some cookie cutters just don’t look like anything specifically.

Decorating them can be a real art project!

Happy things-

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Some things make me smile- others make me happy.

Mostly it is people and relationships that make me happy, so when some thing makes me happy, I want to share it.

This blue yarn makes me happy.  I bought it from the woman who raised the sheep that grew it.  She handled the skeins like they were old friends and I imagined as she put them into the bag she whispered goodbye.  The dye is called mountain blue and I haven’t yet decided what to do with it, although I have been thinking it would make a lovely large bowl.

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And this sock makes me happy.

I knitted it over the weekend and enjoyed watching as the pattern appeared.

It is tailor knitted to fit my foot and I will be even happier when I knit up it’s twin.

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This little lavender doll makes me very happy!

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I’m always looking for another way to use lavender and this little doll, following the pattern of pine needle dolls adds a totally feminine cast to the herb and needle doll collection.

🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂

What makes you happy?

A week for preparation-

Next Monday is Labor day. 

I’m planning on spending it with family on Chincoteague Island, VA.

Sadly, Jordan has started back to school and can’t get away from work- so he won’t be there- but Willow and Luke and Aidan and Frank and Cynthia and I- a week of sun and beach and family.

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I’ve been waiting for a chance to actually go to the beach while in Chincoteague all year.  So this is it- finally- Yay!

But first- laundry and baking and sorting through all the stuff I want to take- and finishing up Willow’s birthday present (we will be celebrating her birthday down there this year!) – and shopping and packing and gathering and getting the herbs  that I’m taking to plant at the house- all of that busy work.

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And then we’re off to spend a week back here-Chincoteague 2009 (Luke) 043

in Chincoteague.

Ethical Vegetables

Yesterday, my sister and I were shopping at a bulk food store.

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I needed some yeast and some spelt flour ( and some sliced almonds and surprisingly, some chocolate covered pretzels- turns out I  needed all of these items!)  After we got to the store a truck pulled up next to us LOADED down with beautiful FRESH veggies!

A distinguished looking older  man got out of the truck and addressed us and a group of ladies standing in front of the store eating ice cream cones with their children. “Ladies, I have some fresh produce from my garden, if you are interested. “

Being always interested, we went over to look at a lovely array of vegetables and several large watermelons. 

“How much for the zucchini ?”  the lady asked.

” However much you think it is worth.” he replied.

She backed away slightly- this in not an answer that she could deal comfortably with.  Then she started talking nervously while she started selecting from the baskets and boxes, piling up a mound of vegetables that would have cost at least $20 in my experienced farmer’s market opinion. 

” So, how much for this?”  She asked again.

“How much do you want to pay?”

“I don’t know… how much do you want?”

He smiled and had pity on her.  “How about $4?  Do you think it is worth $4?”

She reached into her purse, pulled out the bills and whisked her pile into bags-calling to her children who were sticky by now with ice cream dripping down their arms and faces-” Come on.  Help me get this into the car!”

Cynthia and I had been picking out our vegetables while they transacted their business (although the lady had taken ALL of the available courgettes and I was a little miffed at her) .  We had a small watermelon, 2 eggplants, a package of lima beans and 4 jalapeno peppers,veg and flout 001a tomato and 2 onions.

“Well, Ladies, is there anything else I can help you get?”

“No thank you- your vegetables are truly lovely.”

” I supply a local college and this is what is left over after they took what they want.  Sure you can’t use any more of those peppers?”

Smiling, we gave him $10 dollars and went into the bulk store to pick up my flour and other necessities.

He was sitting on a lawn chair next to his truck when we came back out.

“Have a nice day ladies!” he called out to us.

We turned and asked what college he grew his vegetables for.  He named a college in a nearby city and said that he had been a professor there and after retiring he had taken up gardening and loved it. 

I asked what he had taught and he smiled and said, “Ethics.  Business and otherwise.  But no one ever paid much attention to what I said or taught.”

We got into the car and drove off.  I was thinking, ethics.  The man taught ethics and then gave people an opportunity to pay what they thought things were worth.

It was like an episode of ” What would you do?”  with John Quinones.  A small experiment into human nature- when offered the opportunity of a huge bargain or a fair price- what avenue do you take? Do you pay the least possible or give what the market value is currently?  Do you do the right thing or take advantage?

And what is the right thing in this situation and in these times?

It should have been a simple trip into the country, but I was suddenly looking very seriously at myself and wondering.  I think we gave a fair price.  It was not a GOOD price- he certainly could have asked for more and I would have paid it.

I came away thinking about equity- about how often we look for an edge over others and hope for a chance to get a good deal.  My children have educate me into the concept of fair trade globally, I try to buy locally and organically when I can afford it, and I have cut down on using paper and plastic bags by using a cloth bag- these are not concepts I learned at my mother’s knee – but at my children’s requests and reminders.  But was does that mean when someone says – “Pay what you think it is worth.”  I think it is worth more than I could afford!

I am blown away by the hard work and dedication it takes to bring a garden to harvest and then load it up and sell it at a stand.  I worked for my neighbours down the road to help in their stand for a season, when my friend developed cancer. I truly appreciate the labor and beauty of the vegetables.

And so we paid our $10.  Not an unreasonable offering.  He was satisfied.  We were happy.  It was within the realm of the ethical that I got tripped up, later.  


.Ethics (also known as moral philosophy) is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality — that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, justice, virtue, etc.

from Wikipedia– also


Post-structuralism and postmodernism argue that the world is relational; therefore, ethics must study the complex situation of actions. A simple alignment of idea of right and particular act is not possible. There will always be a remainder that is part of the ethical issue that cannot be taken into account in a relational world. Such theorists find narrative to be a helpful tool for understanding ethics because narrative is always about particular life stories in all their lived complexity rather than consist of a the assignment of an idea or norm to an action.


Really- all I wanted was a fresh watermelon.

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Going to the fair…

I am not a real fair kind of person.

I’m not saying I’m not fair-:) – I just don’t like going to fairs.  They are hot.  They are noisy.  There are too many people and the food is NOT good for me.

But- I am now a grandma- and I do all sorts of things I wouldn’t have done before.  I do things with great enjoyment because I get to see them for the first time again through my grandson’s eyes.

Saturday, last, I went to the Ohio State Fair for the first time in 44 years!

My impression from when I was 12 was that it was hot and noisy and there were too many people. ( At least I’m consistent!)  And I also remember a lovely cart filled with lavender for sale at $4 a cup.  I think Robin (my sister) and I had $5 each for spending money and we each bought a cup of lavender.  It was so fragrant and cool- and we had never seen it is such abundance before.

But I digress- this year we went as a family.  Grampa, Jordan, Luke, Willow, Aidan and I all went and had a grand time.  The fair grounds weren’t too crowded early in the day, and by the afternoon it started to rain lightly which kept the crowds down.  We skipped most of the rides altogether, Aidan is only 2 and does not like rides yet.  We tried to get him to go on the umbrella ride that is like a sky ride going to the very end of the fair.  “No”, he said, “that’s too high.”

So, my husband and I went on the ride by ourselves and left the younger people to walk the distance while we had a bird’s eye view.

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There were marching bands and music- and lots of deep fried foods.

(twinkies , oreos, bananas,pickles,mushrooms,cheese,peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and on and on)  There was also bacon dipped in dark chocolate, but I didn’t try any of the more “exotic” offerings.

We had french fried potatoes, barbecued pork ribs, chicken fried tenderloin sandwiches, a gyro roll and ice cream.  Mostly we just bought one of each and shared.

But , by far, the best part was the farm building displays. They had a train set up that Aidan loved.  We could have stayed there for an hour and he would have been happy.

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He pressed his little face into the fence surrounding the booth and kept it there.

Not moving, not talking, just watching the train go round and round the bend.

I think I know what he will be getting for Christmas this year.

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And then- after lunch- there was ice cream.

Aidan is a healthy eater.  His parents don’t indulge in many sweets.  So this was a real treat!  He wanted me to hold the ice cream – and he to hold the spoon(s).  Just prior to this picture he was holding two spoons.  The expression on his face is because I took one of the spoons away and said he should just eat with one.

It was already raining by this time.

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The umbrellas were sprouting all over the place- and we decided we had had enough of the fair.

It had been a long day, already, because we started off at a Farmer’s market that morning.  We bought lovely vegetables, fresh ground rye flour, flowers, a hot pretzel for snacking, and corn.

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We bought lots of corn.

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Which was a good thing, since the cat decided these were hers!

Anyway, I decided that I might be a fair kind of person, after all.

Which is also a good thing, since I now have more than one grandchild-

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my Other Aiden!

And another on the way!

Pony Boy

  This is Not a reference to The Outsiders.

No.  I thought you might like to see how very much Aidan loved his pony bread.

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Please disregard all the mess in the background and focus your attention on the small boy and his pony/bread.

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Because as you can see- he really loved this bread.

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He bit his tail…

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…chewed off his face…

 rhubarb pie and pony bread 011   then shook him up a little.


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All together I’d say he loved it! 

After the pictures were done, he took his bread into a corner behind the table and ate almost all of the bread before we could bother him further.

This child loves bread as much as his grandmother.

And that is just fine with us both!

7 little things- an interim post

I was tagged by Cityhippyfarmgirl to share 7 more things about myself.

I am happy she wants to know 7 things more- I’m just a little stymied about what to add- I seem to do pretty full disclosure fairly often.  🙂

However, I was planning on posting about baking today and nothing is ready to photograph yet, so this will be the first post of the day with a promise of BREAD later.

Here goes:

1)  I love old things.  New things are nice, but there is nothing like the patina and depth of beauty that comes from being lovingly and well used.  I’d rather have something with a history than a warranty.

2) I’m a random weeder.  I cannot walk away from weeds in a bed- and it doesn’t matter whose bed of flowers it is either.  I’ve weeded beds at Sea World, at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., at church, at other people’s churches, whilst on Home Tours, in Williamsburg, VA….  Sometimes, I just do it without considering the consequences or even if there is a garbage can to deposit  the evidence.

3) I’ve designed  and made cookies that were photographed and made into Christmas cards.  I’ve made many cookies that were works of art- but they were all too soon consumed.  These are documented and although I don’t send them out anymore for Christmas it is kind of nice to look back and say,”I made that”.

4) I do funny things with numbers in my head.  I add the numbers in people’s phone numbers or on their license plates- I count my steps when I walk-  it is usually an unconscious habit that I only become aware of when I start to get into the thousands.  It doesn’t mean anything really, but I seem to be keeping count.

5)  The first time I heard my husband’s voice, I felt a tingling in my spine.  We didn’t get together for many years after that, but even now, when I hear his voice unexpectedly, I get that same sensation. After 35 years of marriage- you’d think I would have become accustomed to the timbre of his voice.

6)  Three years ago, I was basically a computer illiterate.  I had a hard time sending email.  Since then, I have taken classes online, written a blog, do research, bank and conduct business on my computer. 

7)  I love mysteries.  Reading them is like mind candy to me- watching them on tv is always a challenge ( I Always figure them out by the middle- which drives my younger son bonkers!) and it is very difficult to surprise me because I’m paying close attention to the order of things about me.  ( I also tend to make up a story to go with puzzling occurrences- but then- I tend to make up stories just to keep myself entertained!)

OK- that is seven- if you read to the very end- congratulations!  You now know more about me than you ever wanted to!

I promise to post pictures of Saffron bread later.