I know- this is a little early for an IMK post, but I’ve
been searching high and low for this book and finally found it!
It was in my kitchen- hidden between two cookbooks in the pantry
I collect cookbooks- or I used to collect them. Then I got hooked on
the internet and all the recipes on blogs and websites and well, my
collecting days seem to be over.
THIS book remains my favorite book for perusing in the kitchen!
It is an Australian book, published in 2000- and I just love it.
I spent 2 hours yesterday poring over photos and reading about the ingredients
of cooking, baking,drinking, FOOD, glorious,FOOD!
from fruit…
to fish.
And of course,
cheese- this book has it all! I can look up cuts of meat, unfamiliar spices, types of breads
and grains! And I lose myself in all of these wondrous ingredients.
I am so happy I found it again. I find it an essential part of reading blogs- otherwise, I’m
scratching my head and wondering WHAT they are suggesting I roast for dinner?