Finding St. Nicholas and a spice cookie recipe



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I was a little reluctant to start these cookies.  My expectations were too high.

I was hoping to make in gingerbread and icing that which I could hardly sketch with pencils.

But they turned out quite nice, in my opinion.


They started out rather amorphous shapes.

Then I outlined them with royal icing.

(basically egg whites, cream of tartar and 10x sugar)

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Then after painting them with a white glaze, I started defining the design.    Because I wanted them a deep red, the icing needed a lot of red food coloring, and even then it wasn’t dark or rich enough, so I added a sprinkling of red sanding sugar.  This added the depth of color and a wonderful texture.

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The smaller St. Nick had a small ball spatter that gave it a more rustic look.


I had a lot of red icing left- so I made some apples as well and added gourmet red sugar to the look-

DSC04810 it sure added to the sparkle!

Here’s the recipe for the cookies- I tried to convert it for you metric users.

(If I were you, I’d double check my measurements- I’m not a whiz at math!)

Spice Cookies


1 cup (227 grams) shortening

3/4 cup (652 grams) brown sugar

3/4 TBS cinnamon

3/4 tsp of ginger, cloves, nutmeg

2 large eggs

1 cup (342 grams) molasses

3/4 tsp baking powder

1 1/4 tsp baking soda

4 1/2 cup (482 grams) AP flour


Cream together shortening, sugar,spices- add eggs, beating in until smooth.  Add molasses, again beating until smooth.  Stir in dry ingredients, mix until you have a sticky mess!  Well, maybe not a mess, but the dough is quite sticky! 

You will be adding flour when you roll them out – but for right now stick into the refrigerator, and leave overnight.

Roll out and cut into shapes- or make into balls and roll in sugar and bake at 375 degrees F (180 degrees C) for 8-10 minutes


And decorate to your heart’s delight!

Now I’m off to make the stuffing!

Mid November – REALLY- running out of time.

I can never seem to get a handle on the calendar.

This is not a new thing- I’ve always had a problem with timing.

Robin used to keep me up to date-on task- so that I didn’t get lost in the midst of planning and miss out on the actual happening.  Since she’s been gone I’ve gotten a little better and there are plenty of people to remind me- but it is still kind of a disconnect. 

I have plans.

Good plans.

Fun plans.

Doable plans.

But time is ticking away.

I am not ready or even close to ready for Thanksgiving to be within a couple of weeks.  I am not ready for St. Nicholas day, or our anniversary (Ha!  35 years!  I HAD plenty of time to get ready for this one- right!) and I’m certainly not ready for Christmas!

I’ve got to kick it into high gear!

But I do have a helper.

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Elves just keep getting cuter every year!

Are you ready?

telling the stories

I forgot my cord for uploading pictures onto the computer.

I keep forgetting to take pictures, anyway.

We gave Kieran his first bath today. 

We went to Whole Foods to do some shopping.

And we went to Aidan’s music class and danced and sang and beat rhythm sticks on the floor and laughed and laughed!

I’m having a wonderful time playing with Willow and the grandchildren.

And I realized tonight as I was telling Aidan my version of “The Elephant’s Child”, that we depend too much on pictures today.

His eyes got so big when I told him about the many spankings the poor Elephant’s child got for asking his questions.  He giggled when I told him about the child pulling bananas from the trees as he walked down to the river- and when I told about him creeping up – closer and closer to the “greasy grey-green Limpopo River” to ask the crocodiles what they like to eat- Aidan clapped his hands in anticipation.  If you have never read this story by Rudyard Kipling, I don’t want to ruin the surprise for you- and if you have then you know what the crocodile’s answer was!

I told the story from memory- I missed some parts and embellished others, but it is a masterful story from a masterful writer and it held his attention better than any of the books I have read him lately.

So- no pictures, today- I’ll just tell you the storiess.

How Aidan covered my left arm with stickers until I looked diseased.

How Kieran  has the sweetest little bow of a mouth that he opens and shuts like a little birdie.  When I hold him, I aim him away from my chest- no milk there, little one!

About the marvelous meals Willow makes- Roasted chicken with za`tar and green olives and escalloped potatoes  – Baked eggplant and pasta with garlic and tomato sauce-apple and carrot bread- I could go on and on!

The sweetness of Aidan’s face when he saw my Hawaii’an print shirt and told me I was beautiful with those big blue and white flowers.

The lovely bells ringing in the hours from the towers of Trinity Seminary- just across the street.

The happiness that surrounds Aidan when he sees that I am here, still, in the morning as promised.

If you need a picture- look at the one of me next to the header- smiling.

Because that’s what I’m doing.


Stormy Weather


I love a good storm!

Wind, Rain, Lightening, Thunder~ cue WIND, again!

More rain!  Dark clouds!  Gusts of wind scattering leaves around!


Rain coming down so heavy you can hardly see across the street!

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I sit on my front porch and feel the elements- it feels like I’m directing the storm.

We had a wonderful storm last week- and they are promising one for tomorrow- with snow and sleet attached!!!!

Only tomorrow I’m headed back down to Columbus to spend some time with the grandchildren and Willow-and they don’t get lake effect storms that far south.  Lake effect is either the curse or bonus of NE Ohio- we get a LOT of snow because of Lake Erie. 

The leaves may all be down by the time I come home- the trees naked- November chill set in  -and  headed into Thanksgiving!

I’ve got to get working on my hand made Christmas gifts!

Maybe I’ll just make everyone SOCKS!

Or fruitcake.

I think I need to have a brainstorm to come up with some more ideas.


My Pocketbook

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That’s what my mother always called it.

I call it a purse or in this case, a bag.

I think it’s supposed to be a designer- but I don’t know enough about designers to have recognized it and I threw away the tag. 

Cynthia bought it for me at a consignment shop- and I really like it.

Designer or not- it is big and roomy with lots of pockets (hence the title)- and it is real leather and smells like an expensive bag (at least it did when I could smell- now with this cold I cannot smell anything!).

Aidan likes it, too.  He was rummaging around when I was at their house and kept making “hmm!” sounds.  Like as if he was finding treasure.

Which brings me back to the picture above.

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my pocketbook treasures.

A small whistle from the fair, a booklight, and my traveling measuring spoons.

These are so handy- they go into my purse every time I change it up.

They are good to have in a pinch, can attract attention if I’m in a jam- AND- they are great for distracting small children during long church services.  (except the whistle- I wouldn’t use that during a long church service.  Although it might be interesting to see if it would – NO- I WOULDN’T use that during church services, at all.)

Do you have pocketbook treasures?

Are they shiny and useful and noisy?

Just wondering.

A Basket of Bread bears…(subtitled Lord of the bears)

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In my family, we sing the children to sleep.  There is a bathtime ritual, a couple of books read, prayers said, and then- songtime.

It can last a long time.  But it is comforting and quieting and bonding time and well worth spending.  My oldest son, Luke, has been singing my grandson to sleep with simple little tunes – and recently he heard Aidan singing one of them to his stuffed bear as they danced in a circle, bear swinging wildly-

“I am the Lord of the bear, bear, bear!”( to the tune of “Lord of the Dance”)

Today I am the Lord of the bread bears!

I made whole wheat bears, I made Italian bears, and I made spelt flour and oat bran sourdough bears!  And they all kept their shapes and minded their manners whilst in the oven- coming out pretty much still in the same shape they entered.

Here is a whole grouping of photos- bears in and out of disguise- all to please your fancy on this Monday before Halloween!

Halloween bread bears 003 -bears in the basket awaiting costuming.

Halloween bread bears 004 -whole wheat bears, masked and ready.

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Halloween bread bears 007 -bears with little brothers!

Halloween bread bears 011 Italian Bear and spelt and oat bran sourdough bear-  bears in pairs!

Halloween bread bears 012 -bears getting dressed!

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– bears bagged and ready to go!

They looked so cute, I couldn’t keep the pictures all to myself.

A basketful of quince…

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I picked them several weeks ago.

And they didn’t look very good then.

And then- life got very busy.

I was preoccupied with knitting.

Mainly socks- but a couple of cosies got into the basket as well.

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And then the baby was born- and I got to be resident Grandma most of this week!

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So when I came home today, and smelled a sweet and earthy smell in my kitchen- I found this basket of wrinkly quinces.

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-wrinkled and browning-

Which I intend to make into pickled quinces, tomorrow.

Here’s the recipe Robin and I found at least 16 years ago- in hopes, someday of having a bumper crop of quinces.  We never did.  So we never made it.

This is the year of the pickled quince!


6-7 quinces

15  fluid oz. cider vinegar

1 1/2 lbs sugar

rind of one lemon

3 whole cloves

2 cinnamon sticks

1 inch piece of ginger root

1 allspice berry

2 vanilla beans


Put the vinegar, sugar and lemon rind into an enameled saucepan.  Wrap the spices in a muslin/cheesecloth bag and add to the pan.  heat until sugar dissolves, cover and simmer10 minutes.

Peel and core quinces and quarter.  Add them to the pickling juice.  Simmer for about 1 hour, or until quinces are soft but still hold their shape.  Cool in the liquid.  Strain quinces and place in a clean preserving jar.  Bring the liquid to a rapid boil and cook until reduced by half.  Pour over the fruit which should be completely immersed.

Place the 2 vanilla beans in the jar and cover tightly.

Keep a month before using.

I’ll let you know how they turn out.

Does anyone know what you use pickled quince for?  I’m thinking it would be like an appetizer, something akin to watermelon rind pickles.

I wish I remembered WHY we were so anxious to make these.

They sure have a lot of good spices in them.

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I want to get them done so I can go back to these socks-

bamboo and wool in a charcoal grey!


pickled quince x 2

I got two jars and only one blister!

The quince was really a pain- most of it was thrown away!  But I ended up with two small jars and I’m happy with that!

Dhal- or what I have been calling spicy Indian soup for years!

And I made soup from a link Celia had on her blog- Fig Jam and Lime Cordial.

I can’t figure out how to put up the link from this update area, but look on the blog list on my sidebar

and you will find her!

I love this soup- I lost my recipe I had been following before!  And I just discovered this has a great

glycemic index for diabetics!  Yes!  I love it when a plan comes together! (cue A-Team music)

A bouquet of prayer

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I’m expecting  a new grandson, soon.

That means Willow is expecting and ripe with this baby.

This morning – in anticipation of the event- I walked around the yard- praying for them.  The baby, Willow, Luke and Aidan.  Praying for safety and timing, for wisdom and strength, for health and endurance, for joyous beginnings.  Just praying.   And as I walked and prayed, I picked a branch here, a spray there, a pinch, a pull, and suddenly- a BOUQUET was in my hands.

It was built on the wings of prayer- the pine for the mountains Willow was raised in, the eucalyptus for its fresh enduring fragrance, parsley- that’s for perseverance, sage for wisdom, rosemary for remembrance, bittersweet for the pain and the joy to follow, lavender for the sweetness, and lemongrass for the freshness of spirit.

I didn’t plan what to pick- this is what I had available in my garden today- but it is all appropriate for a new mother and baby.  I brought it inside and wrapped it together with a ribbon and added a bow- a prayer bouquet.


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Of course, I am also prepared with baby and little boy toys-

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Flowers are fine- but the way to Aidan’s heart may just run along a Thomas the train railway track!

Small Joys

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The smell of eucalyptus in my living room!


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Knitted pumpkin tea cozies!

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Clam chowder on a coolish evening.

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Easter lilies blooming in the fall.

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Turkeys made from pressed leaves.

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More knitted tea cozies!

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Stevia finally blooming!

And all of you, my friends!

I love to hear from you- and know that we are touching each others lives in ways that make us better- in small ways that make us stronger- in joyous ways that make the world smaller and easier to deal with each day.

I loved watching the cheering worldwide when the Chilean miners came up from their long immurement.  We need to cheer each other on and celebrate those things that are joyous. 

Thank you for cheering me on!