Kind of like dinner and a movie- but not.
Pizza is one of our favorite meals. Homemade pizza is so good- and you can tailor it to your individual needs and desires. Whole wheat dough or Italian, thick or thin, heavy or light on the sauce, or garlic white sauce!
Your pizza can be grilled or baked or deep fried- and the toppings are almost beyond the pale! You can put whatever you like from spinach and bacon to thin sliced red potatoes and scallions.
Lately I’ve been playing around with the crust.
I make whole wheat for plain cheese pizzas, but the Italian has won out for all time favorite for more conventional two to three toppings.
Last night I made thin crust and deep dish.
They were both good- the thin crust had pepperoni and mushroom,
the thick or deep dish had sausage and mushroom. They both had 3 cheeses on top- Romano, mozzarella, and Parmesan. and they were both very good.
But for the first time I really liked the thin crust better. For a bread lover it is a strange confession- but the crust interfered with the flavor on the deep dish.
And now for the mini-rant portion of this post.
I am so irritated with facebook, right now.
Not so much the constant changes and mechanics of the thing, but with the constant pressure of my “friends” challenging me to post something as my status because they posted it as their status. Just because they are following some craze doesn’t mean I have to- and I don’t like their suggestion that if I don’t put up the exact same status I am-
1) ashamed of Jesus Christ
2) don’t support our troops
3) don’t love my husband
4) want to set up death panels and kill babies.
Actually the list could go on and on, just like the mass produced statuses, but you get my drift.
Let me assure you all that I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am proud to be a believer and follower of His , that I pray for and care about all the men and women serving our country around the world, that after 35 years of marriage I still love and honor my husband, and that I am a peaceable creature , not wishing the death of any individual before the time God calls them home.
I just want to keep in touch with my friends and see the pictures they post without being inundated with peer pressure to suscribe to all of the pages and politics and whimsey of the populace.
And I’m NOT going to post anything on my status just because you want others to join you in your diatribes.
Rant over.
Left over pizza, anyone?