When my boys were young, I had them help in the kitchen.
They set and cleared the table, swept the floors, filled and emptied
the dishwasher, and helped prepare the meals.
They liked spending time with me- and my time was mostly spent
doing chores and preparing meals- so that is where we accomplished
much of our work. I wasn’t a photographer back then- I’m getting better
now- and my son and niece take so many pictures that I have a library of
images to go to.
But I have no pictures of those years of activity. Of the learning and loving
and sharing that went on then. So- in looking at my most recent photos,
I was so pleased to have pictures of my grandsons working along with us-
in the the kitchen.
Kieran putting away the crayons after an art session!
And sweeping the deck after a rainstorm brought down the crab
apple blossoms.
Aidan washing the dishes from breakfast.
Kieran sorting out my cupboard.
Luke used to get Jordan to help put away the dishes by calling out, “Hi Ho Silver(ware)!”
and Jordan would come running to put away the silverware.
And after sweeping up the floor he’d call for the “dustpan man” and his little
brother would hurry to do his part of the task.
No pictures of my sons- just fond memories and an echo in my heart of helpful
and obedient children- who have grown up to be fine upright men.
I cherish the times spent with children- it can be tiring – but those moments are
like silver and gold- never losing their precious value.
I’ve got a lot of lovely memories of childhood time spent in the kitchen. I hope I’m creating special memories for my kids down the track too…. and I can’t wait until they are old enough to do the dishes by themselves 🙂
My childhood memories are mainly about working in our family’s greenhouse, filling packs with dirt, carrying seedlings to be transplanted and watering- lots of watering- and selling flowers at the hospital.
I didn’t get interested in the kitchen until I was in my late teens- but I loved getting the boys involved in the whole kitchen experience.
It is a momentous occasion when you can finally trust children to actually clean up after you! 😀
Beautiful, lovely boys, Heidi. You’re very blessed! x
Thanks, Celia- I know I am blessed.
And I’m very thankful for the blessings.
Dear Heidi,
You need no pictures of those earlier years because they will always be in your heart. I agree with Celia, you are truly blessed because you have such a beautiful and loving family. That is the most important thing in the world.
That’s what I keep telling myself, Chopinand- the pictures in my heart are so very dear and clear- but they don’t fit onto a scrapbook page, at all, at all
My family is the dearest thing in this world- and I consider them all more precious than gold.
Thanks for pointing that out!
Great memories conjured even as new memories are being made!
Oh Lucas- treasure the moments, record the memories!
I love the way you document the daily of your precious little boys!
And I love you!
What wonderful photos, I am smiling away here. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your family with us Heidi !
🙂 -Thanks Joanna!
I just had to post these pictures- the boys were so cute and earnest in their endeavors to help! 😀
CUTE pictures! I especially love the porch sweeper. Soooo adorable in his socks. 🙂
I like that one, as well, Martha!
He’s so determined to do what he sees his big brother doing- and yet he approaches everything in such a different way that it is just pure fun watching him!
Hi Heidi, You sure can’t go wrong with that kind of help. They are very sweet young boys.
Hello there, Cynthia. So glad to see you have rediscovered my blog!
Yes- I am rather choosy about my kitchen help- but these guys meet all the criteria.