Thankful for safety from the storm

Nor'easter 058 That means that we are here and made it safely. 

Here is Chincoteague.

A friend called us when we were in Pennsylvania and warned us about the severity of this storm.   It is a nor’easter and it is a doozey!

It was 10 AM when she called and said the storm, plus the high tide was going to make it hard to get onto the island today.  In fact, she said that they were going to close the causeway in the afternoon.  High tide was at 4:00 PM and we raced all the way here to get here by 3:15- and we were just about the last  car to make it across before the causeway was closed.

The water was really high.  The waves were washing over the road and the wind was wild, and the rain was pelting down so hard that our visibility was bad.

We didn’t stop for lunch or potty breaks.  We got gas and got back on the road within 8 minutes.  And Allyson drove heroically!   The water is still rising in the parking lot- the streets are impassible.  But we are in our hotel room and the rain is pelting against the window and we are safe, slightly frazzled and damp, but safe.

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Lots of stress come with the driving conditions.

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The Chincoteague Bay was washing over the road.  These carsare of people trying to escape being stranded on the island.

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And here we are – on island.  It is a huge relief for my driver.Nor'easter 064 Nor'easter 065 Nor'easter 066

And here is a view from our second floor Nor'easter 067

this pier is now submerged.

I’m thankful we’re on the second floor. 

10 thoughts on “Thankful for safety from the storm

  1. I forgot to mention that our shoes and pants up to the knees are soaking wet. And that was just sloshing in through the parking lot. Allyson says that is the most important part- soaked shoes and having to walk barefoot out to the car in the AM and find other shoes. I’m just hoping the water doesn’t raise any higher or my Jeep will be flooded!

  2. I’m thankful you made it through. My prayers were with you. Frank called and said that your weather was clearing up, so have a good time.

  3. The worst of the weather bought out the best in us. I had a wonderful time this weekend – rain & all. Especially lunch at the Parksley Diner – you know it’s such a small world. See you soon.

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