Capturing Spring…

It has become such a short season here.

A short blip between winter cold and summer heat.

And it is invaded on both ends by unseasonable frosts and

heat waves – I find I must seek it out whilst it is

here to be found.



Hydrangea Blossoms- (I cheated and bought these at a greenhouse!)


007Lovely pale pink hyacinth…


Cowslips ( primrose) growing at the side of my front walk.


Dandelions littering the yard with bright yellow.


A very healthy clump of chives in my vegetable bed.


Coral bells lifting her stalk- promising a future silent chorus.


Daffodils still in nightdresses – getting ready for their unveiling, soon!


Virginia bluebells…

021 in a woodsy location-always one of the opening acts!


Flowering Quince- not much good for fruit- but lovely early flowers.


And of course the lovely violet, humble and sweet, growing amongst the grasses.


Lamb’s ears- so soft and fuzzy… Smile


And a Japanese plum- the leaves are a soft red- the flowers will be almost white.

Spring in NE Ohio- Here for only a short time- so I’m trying not to miss the show!

8 thoughts on “Capturing Spring…

  1. Spring is here! I hope it stays cool long enough, so we can enjoy it. Your pictures of the flowers and plants are beautiful.

    • I planted my lettuce seeds today- Giant Eagle had a salad bowl already with lettuces ready for harvest. I was going to buy one for myself but Frank was very discouraging so I walked away. Now I’m wishing I had purchased it anyway!

    • Behind? I’d imagined you ahead of us. Although we have had several days in the 80’s F – which works great havoc amongst the plant emergings!

      • behind where we are usually I meant, probably running more or less with you right now. I saw Abby’s pictures of snow in Minnesota still on Twitter….

        • Minnesota and Colorado are still getting snow!
          I always think of Browning’s “Oh to be in England, now that April’s there…” When I was a young girl I used to think of the soft green blanket of Spring wrapping the English countryside — and wish that I were there, too.

    • Thanks Celia! It was 65 F here today- warm but not hot – and as it was Earth day I planted some lettuce seeds and pulled up some weeds in the beds. I love spring- the flowers are so pretty.

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