I’m sure this is an old concept and it may have peaked a long time ago and you’ve all done it and moved on to better ways of baking. But this is my first time trying this and we loved it.
Baked/Roasted chicken.
I make it often, but this is a new way to do it and it turned out perfectly! I can roasted a chicken twice last week!
Last Monday I put it in the oven and it was superb.
Moist and tender and delicious! The skin was crackling good and all the juices had gathered in the bottom of the pan and were ready to make into
a wonderful gravy.

I used a half can of diet coke- I think you are supposed to use beer- but all I had in a can was a diet coke. I added some smoke flavoring to the coke, salted and peppered the chicken .
And I made another chicken on Thursday – again delicious!
I’ve had this little contraption for years and never used it. I really like it- it keeps the chicken out of the fat, the meat is so good, the skin is delectable and the clean up is a breeze.
(I’ve been playing around with this post- so I’m not sure how it is going to look. Hopefully it will be understandable!)
It was very good chicken. Thank you for sharing.. The white meat was tender and full of juice.
Thanks, Cynthia!
It made a really good chicken salad – the leftovers were not left over at all!
I really liked that it only used a half can of the coke- I usually only drink a half can at a time- so it worked out perfectly!
We did that on vacation last year with 3 chickens at one time in the grill. Agree–it was so juicy and tender! I’ve never tried it in my oven, but it looks like I have to!
Someone gave me the can contraption YEARS ago- but I misplaced it and forgot about it. Sometimes cleaning out your gadget area can lead to a great supper! I remember Dianne, Martha , and Karen’s pictures next to the chickens- it was a cute photo- at the time I remember thinking,”I have one of those somewhere around here….”
Thanks for stopping by, Carole, hope your summer is going well! 🙂
I’ve read about this, but never tried it. Great to know it works so well, Heidi!
I was surprised at really how good and moist and tender the chicken was, Celia. And the skin was perfect- better than I’ve ever tasted before.