A short update-

I’m sorry- if you’ve een following the Psalms series- there has been a brief interruption.  Last Sunday we were traveling all day to get here to the eastern shore of Virginia.  And today, my typing is seriously handicapped by a small injury to my finger (see pictures below).

new beginnings 015 new beginnings 018

Sorry about the blurry photos- my left hand is not as steady as my right!

Anyway, I cut my finger over a week and a half ago, and it just hasn’t healed.  OR- as the doctor informed me yesterday, it has been trying to heal, but I have been continuously re-injuring it.  So- I now have a splint and a giant finger sock and am not to use my right hand for anything for the next three days.

This puts a definite cramp in our house readying activities!   (Although she insisted in calling Frank into the room as she gave these instructions, and gave him a stern look when he tentatively inquired about my ability to wash dishes?- Hah!  I’m supposed to be treated ” like a queen”!)

So- the typing is about to stop because this is really hard and I keep getting bad typo’s.

But here are some pictures of our progress.

new beginnings 019 new beginnings 020 new beginnings 021

From this…………………………………

new beginnings 016

to this.

From this………………..

new beginnings 027 new beginnings 023 new beginnings 024

to this.

new beginnings 009

Which took a lot of this………

bread and frames 026 new beginnings 005 new beginnings 007

I’ll post more later- my finger is throbbing.

I’m the Queen today, you know.  Too much typing will interfere with my status.

6 thoughts on “A short update-

  1. Thanks ,Sue! A serious injury would be what Sandy B. did to her finger with the rotary cutter when we were making the baby quilts. I only nicked the nail bed and if I hadn’t kept hitting and putting pressure on it- I think it would have been on its way to healing.

  2. I’m happy you’re taking some time off. The rooms are starting to look great. You and Frank are doing a wonderful job. I left Roger a message, but haven’t heard back yet. Love

  3. I love what you both have done to those rooms – it is coming together so nicely. I can’t wait to come back this fall and spend some time hanging out there. Make sure you take it easy on that finger!!!!!

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