I’m too tired to write today. So I will give you the joy of a couple of pictures I took of Allyson and Aidan at lunch today!
Allyson: “Hi, Aidan! Look what I can do!”
Aidan” “Wow ! That is cool! I want to do that, too!”
Aidan: ” Oh, no! My hands are too small- I can’t see through my little fists!”
Allyson: ” Here let me show you again! I love the hat, btw, may I borrow it ?”
Aidan : “At least now I can see! And watch out for that hat- because when you pull it off – your hair is full of static!
See what I mean?!”
Allyson: ” Oh yeah, I get it- I mean, I GOT it!
That’s OK- I’ll just cover up my head completely.”
Aidan: ” Grandma, I think Allyson has had too much tea and sugar!”
Allyson: “I don’t know What you are talking about!”
Love the pictures and your comments. I had a great time. Love you all.
Allyson and Aidan–both cutiepies!
Delightful pictures and comments. Thanks for making me smile.