Thankful for the daughters…

My husband and I have two wonderful sons.  They are loving and wonderful men and I am thankful for every moment I have with them.  But they are going to be a different post.

Because, although we don’t have any biological daughters, God has gifted us with many beautiful young women who have fulfilled my desire for daughters.  And I am so very thankful for the love and memories and hopes and joy we have shared through the years. 

I really started to engage with these women before I was married.  I started with my nieces and have developed deep relationships with some of them.  I love all of my nieces and nephews dearly, but with some of them there was a resonating desire for more than a casual friendship and they pursued the relationship as actively as I did.

Elizabeth and Allyson  and Meredith fit into this daughter category- because we played together when they were young and have only grown closer as we have matured and taken on adult responsibilities and burdens.  I love these young women- and I admire and love their  real mothers and appreciate the love they have shown in sharing their daughters with me.

Willow is the daughter of my heart as well as my daughter in law.  I am so VERY thankful for the friendship we share, for the love we have for each other as well as for Luke and Aidan.  I didn’t have much of a relationship with my mother in law.  She was not open or allowed to spend much time with me.                                           

And although my mother was a wonderful woman who loved the Lord and her family, she was not a good role model for being a mother in law.  So I was worried that I would mess up in this department- but God is so gracious and He has given me the opportunity to become a better woman through these women who have allowed me  a place in their lives.

I also have been gifted with the friendship of young women that I have mentored through the years.  Jen and Johanna came into my life when they were in their teens and have remained close in many ways, coming to visit when they are in town and staying connected by prayer and Facebook. 

Aidan's early Nov. visit 051 Aidan's early Nov. visit 032 Hot Joe and a visit with Elizabeth 007 Meredith and Cynthia at River Styx 012 image image

I love all the women in my life- but these just qualify for a place in the “daughter”

category.  Thank you Lord for providing for the desires of my heart.

5 thoughts on “Thankful for the daughters…

  1. What a blessing that must be! I have the most wonderful mother in law–she’s like a mother to me. I treasure her.

    I love my daughter in law dearly, however, she has no desire to be my friend or become close in the way my mother in law and I enjoy. There is always a barrier and it breaks my heart. She is kind to me, don’t get me wrong!, however, she has a mother and doesn’t desire ‘a substitute.’ It makes me sad because I know how much we are both missing, but I’m like Steve Erkle–“I’m wearing her DOWN!!!”

  2. Oh Kim, my heart goes out to you.
    I don’t see myself as a substitute for any of the mothers of these delightful women- I am in addition to the loving relationships they already have.
    I don’t think you can have too many loving women in your life when they are offering you the encouragement and prayers that we ALL need so desperately.
    Keep on loving- I think that is what we are called to do in all situations, anyway.

  3. Amen! My love for her and my desire to care for her as one of my own is not predicated on her response! But I DO long for a relationship with her like I have with my own mother in law.

    I do have hope, though, that with time we can have a closer relationship. I’m sad about it but I still have hope!

  4. I love that our friendship has only grown through the years. I am thankful for your voice in my life. I am thrilled to continue to learn from you and laugh with you and celebrate and discuss and get worked up and enjoy food and just be. I love you!

  5. I am happy to share my daughter with you. You have each brought something special to each other. Meredith chose well when she decided to be your friend. Thank you for being there for these young women. You are a blessing to many. I love you.

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