May God grant me the tenacity of a rosebush.

rosehips and Aiden 006

I have been feeling rather frail emotionally and spiritually.

And I know why.

I’m too busy.

I’m trying to keep up with the schedule of my life.

And my husband’s life.

And my children’s lives.

And attempting to conduct the business from the lives of other loved ones who have needs right now .

And in all that business, I am neglecting quiet time.

I’m wondering if I need an exorbitant amount of time to reflect.

Because without time to just sit and wonder,

and without time to just be in God’s presence,

I become frazzled.

I’m not even talking about the time I need for prayer and study and devotions.

I’m talking about being time.

Quietly, silently, consciously being myself before the Lord.

Like my rosebush that continues to send out flowers and bear fruit without fanfare or undue cultivation.

Continuing to consistently continue.

This is my prayer.


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5 thoughts on “May God grant me the tenacity of a rosebush.

  1. These same thoughts went through my head today as well. Fred has been gone since Monday and won’t be back until Saturday afternoon. I was blaming my frazzledness on his absence, but really, it is because of MY absence with the Lord. I need to not worry about the fact that I’m in charge of preparing our Thanksgiving dinner (we’re in Canada, remember!) on Saturday evening for 40-some people and tomorrow is now shot because I have to take Stephen to the Fracture Clinic to get his arm checked. Sigh. I need to go rest in the Lord so that I can get my stuff done on time. Thank you for the reminder! … And your roses are lovely! You could make rosehip jam! 🙂

  2. Ah, being time. That is something I am just learning about. I have always been a doer. Now I am learning to sit before the Lord and just be. It’s a hard new challenge for me; to be still and wait. But so necessary.

  3. I’m so glad you posted this. It’s exactly how I feel. I desperately need an extended time with the Lord right now. I can’t remember the guy’s name, but he said, “How do we live as contemplatives in the world?” A challenge.

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