Winter Wonderland?


We got hit by the storm that has been slowly (or not so slowly) crossing North America.  It started with large lacy fat snowflakes sailing down from the dark skies.  It was very pretty.  Like little girls in white lawn dresses doing cartwheels across your front yard.  You looked up, and smiled- because there weren’t enough to worry you and it is December, after all.

Then, without warning they started coming down in flurries and the wind picked up slightly pelting you in the face with decidedly cold little pellets (surely these weren’t fat and flaky – they stung a little on contact.  And it didn’t stop for a rest- all night- all day- snow falling- sometimes causing white out conditions.

I was out a little while ago to get the mail.


And it is still snowing.

So I decided to shovel out the drive to surprise my husband.

There is at least 10 inches of wet snow and it is heavy.

Now I am wondering if I will be able to get up tomorrow morning.

But- since the storm is supposed to last until noon on Tuesday-

maybe I’ll just sleep in,



For now- I’m going to take several aspirin and a hot bath.

What was I thinking??

6 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland?

  1. Luke- My question is- did Aidan get his candy cane? It is winter- almost!
    I did enjoy it- and I did lots of yoga stretching afterward. This morning I was just a little sore- but I need to get the mail again and it has been snowing all day long today! The drive needs to be shoveled again. SIGH!

  2. Aiden? I have no say when Aiden gets a candy cane. AIDAN has not yet had a candy cane, but his mother did buy him some today, which he will likely have after dinner.

    Sorry! I had to give you a hard time 🙂

  3. That’s quite all right.
    For some reason I raised both of my sons to give me a hard time. But what are you talking about????
    Aidan/Aiden- these are not interchangeable.
    (and I DO have access to an edit on my comments! 🙂 )

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