Two recipes: Goodies galore for the guys!

I’ve been baking.

Aside from the sourdough starter that keeps on calling out my name every time I open the refrigerator ( see picture below)

Late May 001

– I have two men who keep looking for goodies for their lunches.  BUT as soon as I make the goodies, they devour them, so there are none left for their lunches. 


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Conga bars or brookies or Chocolate -pecan bars- I don’t care what you call them- they taste really yummy and pack well for a lunch box dessert.

The ingredients:

2 2/3 cups flour -All purpose

2 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

Sift these ingredients together in a small bowl and set aside.

2/3 cup butter or margarine

1 lb. light brown sugar

1 tsp vanilla

Cream the next 3 ingredients together until smooth.

3 eggs

Add, 1 egg at a time, alternatively with the dried ingredients, mixing well after each addition.

Then add 1 package of chocolate chips and 1 cup chopped pecans.

Dough will be quite stiff,  smooth out into a greased 13×9 inch pan and bake in a pre heated oven (350 degrees F) for 30 minutes.

When lightly browned, remove from heat and allow to cool slightly before cutting into bars. 

Don’t over bake these- they are so good when still a little tender inside!

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Cardamom-cinnamon Owls.

I’ve been all over the blogosphere getting this recipe.

I saw it first here on Celia’s blog, Fig jam and Lime Cordial.

She found it on Joanne’s blog, Zeb Bakes, and she got it from a book by Tessa Kiros, Floating Cloudberries.

ANYWAY- it was in European measurements, grams, ml, etc.- so I had to go to a measurement conversion site- and I’m just so VERY glad they turned out as wonderful as I had hoped!  Because they are delicious- and cute and I’m ever so happy I made them!

Do you see the owl eyes looking at you?

They look so good on a plate- but I took a couple of close ups as well.

owl cardamom-cinnamon rolls 017  owl cardamom-cinnamon rolls 018

The recipe I used ended up being approximate because I have no math skills anymore and the conversion chart kept giving me fractions that were hard to find a common denominator.

THEY taste really good- so I think I did alright.


1 FULL cup of milk, scalded

1/2 cup sugar

2 TBS instant yeast

1 lightly beaten egg

1 stick of butter- 4 oz

2 tsp. ground cardamom

1 tsp sea salt

1 1/2 lbs flour- about 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 cups

Stir all ingredients together in a large bowl with a sturdy spoon.

Since you are using instant yeast, make sure the milk is still warm/hot so that the yeast will be activated.  Stir together until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and stays together in a lump, then flour your surface and dump dough onto counter and knead – adding flour as necessary- the dough should become silky and easy to work with within a couple of minutes.  Add flour if the dough is too sticky.  Knead for about 10 minutes.

Butter the bowl, form dough into a ball and place into the bowl after inverting it to butter the top.  Cover with plastic wrap and let raise until double.

Interestingly, this dough is a VERY slow raiser- there was some discussion on Celia’s blog about the addition of cardamom retarding the process.  I was glad I read this because otherwise it would have worried me that it took around 3 hours for the dough to raise sufficiently to roll out.  Wait the time the dough needs- you will know it is ready when it leaves an indention when you poke the dough.

Now- divide in half and roll the dough into a large rectangle.  Butter the surface with 2 1/2 TBS of soft butter and sprinkle with a sugar/cinnamon mixture.  If you love cinnamon- put it on thick- and you can decide how much sugar you want to add at this point. 

Roll up the dough from the long side so you have a long thin roll and cut it into triangles.  Go to Celia’s blog to see her instructions- she even drew a picture.

It’s on my blog roll on the side bar, or at the beginning of this recipe.

Allow to raise for 45 minutes, covered with plastic, while your oven preheats to 350 degrees F and bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.

While they were still warm I coated them with a 10x/water glaze – just because I wanted them to photograph well- but Jordan said he really liked the glaze, so you may want to add it as well. 

Glaze= 1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar and 1 or 2 TBSP of warm water mixed together.

9 thoughts on “Two recipes: Goodies galore for the guys!

  1. Glad you liked the buns! I am sorry if you needed cups, but it looks as if you cracked it anyway! They look lovely. It’s funny that you all need a longer rise than me to make them, but that’s the nature of recipes as they swirl around the globe. Happy Baking, Joanna

  2. Glad you liked the buns! I am sorry if you needed cups, I didn’t think to do that, I’ll add them to the pdf for anyone else who comes looking but it looks as if you cracked it anyway! They look lovely with that shiny glaze.. Happy Baking, Joanna

  3. Joanna-
    Thank you so much for posting the original- I had never seen the design or explanation of owl rolls before- and now I don’t want to make boring old cinnamon buns anymore!

  4. Why, why, WHY do I read your blog, Aunt Heidi?!?! It just makes me want to try every single recipe that you post! 🙂 These look sooo cute and delicious that I really, really want to try them. Thank you Joanna, Celia and Aunt Heide!!

  5. Martha-
    These are really very good. Really. very. good. You should make them. They are fun to make and look almost as good as they taste. And they freeze like a dream. I put some in individual bags and use them in frank and Jordan’s lunches to keep everything a little cool until lunchtime. They are great with coffee and tea. Just good. period.

  6. Pingback: Steps On the Journey » Blog Archive » Making do-looking for cardamom

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