Aloha Bear bread

The picture currently up on the header is of a bread bear I made in

Oahu for Thanksgiving a couple of years ago.


After I took this picture, I gutted him and filled the cavities with a spinach dip-


and we ate him up as an appetizer before our Thanksgiving meal.

We had so many leis around the beach cottage ( with all the arrivals for the holidays) that

I thought we should make one up for the bread, as well.


This picture on the header was one of several I tried to choose from to represent my blog.

blue birds and giveaways 007

I was thinking of putting up some pictures of decorated cut out cookies-

Gingerbread ponies,apples, and gulls 001DSC01468

But the bread bears won out- because I love to make these bears!

Halloween bread bears 011Halloween bread bears 012

And I love to make and eat bread!


And because wherever I am- there will be home made bread!

Although I may figure out how to actually change the header picture myself-

and then I will put up different โ€“ seasonal pictures.

I am better at baking bread than doing technical stuff, though- so donโ€™t hold your breath!

8 thoughts on “Aloha Bear bread

  1. Heidi, you make the best bread bears in the whole world! I’ve never seen any like them, they’re just so wonderful!! If you ever feel so inclined and can persuade someone to take photos, would you do a tutorial for us? I can never get bread to keep its shape like you do – I suspect my dough hydration is too high, and I have no idea how you keep the features on the finished teddy! xxx

  2. Celia- you asked- I follow your suggestion!
    Actually I made this up several years ago and just fine tuned it a little.
    Look at my next post!

  3. Heidi you make bread bears filled with delicious dips, surrounded by beautiful leis…. now can I just take a minute to appreciate that whole amazing scenario. How cool is that!!
    That makes me want to go play in the kitchen right now ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve seen your lovely bears before but with dip and leis just takes it to another level.

  4. Heidi, Your pictures bring back such memories and happy times. I can still remember how your kitchen would smell after all of the baking. Love

  5. Cutting the bear’s tummy open? Hmmm. It almost seems mean to do that to such a cute little guy, but what a great idea for an appetizer!

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