Hurricane Sandy aftermath


This image by Patrick J. Hendrickson, an aerial photographer, shows the Assateague beach on Wednesday morning. The road to the right of the image is the

access road to the popular beach. Parking lots and the traffic circle are gone, and the beach itself looks narrower. The inlet at the bottom of the image

was created by Hurricane Sandy.

It is hard to imagine what the force of a hurricane can do.

The Eastern coast has taken quite a beating this last week.  New Jersey and New York were hit very hard- because they are so highly populated.

But here, on the eastern coast of Virginia, where there aren’t as many people the hit was significant.  Topography of the beach has been changed.


The ponies found higher ground and what can be seen of the herds seem to be in good shape.



The access road out to the beach was undermined and torn up.

There is much damage- but these are just pictures of what the storm did.

The people of Chincoteague Island, and the police and firemen and the coast guard are all still there- watching over the town, the ponies and helping

others  in this time of devastation. 

I’m going down there soon, to clean up the mess around my niece’s home. 

The electricity is back- and there isn’t any discernable damage to her home – but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the human spirit and the

determination to go forward- even from disaster.  

photographs courtesy of Joanne Snyder Schoeberl  Photography.

10 thoughts on “Hurricane Sandy aftermath

  1. The devastation caused by the storm was terrifying and the loss of life incredibly sad. I’m glad to hear Meredith’s house is ok. On a side note, hooray that we can now subscribe via email! 🙂

  2. It is hard to see the images coming out of the more populated areas and hear of the many deaths. This was a monster storm that no one could be prepared for- we had 50-60 mph winds with gusts going even higher all the way inland here in Ohio. There was huge snowstorms that hit when the storms from the west met up with The storm from the east- unbelievable weather patterns!
    That Meredith’s house escaped damage is a minor miracle- one that I am very thankful about.
    And – yes- Hurrah for email subscriptions!
    Lovely to hear from you- always- Celia!

  3. I have to admit, that when I saw that picture on Facebook this morning, I burst into tears. I’m sure Chincoteague will recover, but I worry about the constant beach erosion at Assateague. Remember the dunes, years ago, and walking up the steps and not looking up until you reached the top, and there was the OCEAN? I miss that.

  4. I know- I was thinking the same thing. And I’m also wondering what the ocean feeding into the estuary and marshy areas is going to do to the wildlife and ecosystem there. It has changed so much in the just the past 30 years. I hope we don’t have any more monster storms for many years to come!

  5. It is very hard to see these things and all the changes that this storm has brought. Reading your blog makes it all more real for us far away. We see the same sets of photos over and over on our tv news, it is chastening to see other people’s images and read your words. Sending best wishes, Joanna

    • Thanks, Joanna- best wishes are always welcome!
      I am heartsick over the many people who have lost so much. There are so many disasters all over the world that sometimes it is easier to harden yourself to the plight of others- and yet- they all affect us in some elemental way. Without compassion we are less of people – we need to at least care for the pain of others to resonate in their humanity.
      I appreciate your comment!

  6. Heidi, Looking at your pictures of the islands made me very sad. Also, very thankful that Meredith’s house was spared. My heart goes out to those who lost everything it that monster storm Sandy. There are many who are still suffering and need help and prayers. Love

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