In My Kitchen- July 2012

In my kitchen…


there is pork fried rice.  The chops we bought were very thick- so after we

grilled them I cut off the reddish meat from around the bone and marinated

it in sesame oil and soy sauce and cooked it up with vegetables, eggs and rice.


So very good!

In my kitchen…


is a pair of hungry eaters- Grandma camp is fun!


Big Monkey Loves plastic Mac and cheese!

In my kitchen…


Gourmet goodies from my latest package from Australia!


I opened this for my birthday meal- spooned the Brandy syrup over cornbread

and ate the fig for dessert.  YUM!

057And I love the sweet/sour flavor of passionfruit!

059I’m looking for just the right recipe to try this Orange blossom

                                                                                           fairy floss (sugar).  Any suggestions?

060These are a new favorite at my house (Thanks to Brydie for

introducing me to them and Meredith for supplying my habit!)

In my kitchen…


are the remains of my chocolate cake with pink icing birthday cake from last week!

Thank you, Willow and Aidan!

In my kitchen…


is one final bloom from the Serbian bellflowers that I have

in the front bed at my house.  They are so pretty that I love to

gather them up into bouquets!

This is part of a series started by Celia at Fig jam and Lime cordial.

Go and take a look at all the bloggers involved- lots of peeks into kitchen

around the world.

31 thoughts on “In My Kitchen- July 2012

  1. Hi there!
    What lovely things you have in your kitchen this month. What a cute grandson you have. My boys are 3 & 1, and oh how I would love to have them actually SIT when they eat a meal! Maybe I need one of those giant monkey’s too! I’m intrigued by the orange blossom fairy floss. Where do you get something like this?

    • Thanks, Glenda- good suggestion. I love getting packages from my niece- when she was stationed in Hawaii it was all about Kona coffee- in Japan, I received lots of items I had to guess at- it was all printed in Japanese. But I love the challenge and the flavors and delicacies from around the world. 🙂

  2. Heidi, Your kitchen has wonderful aromas and mouth watering foods. I love walking into your home. The little guy is a delight to be around.

  3. Does your niece want to adopt me?! 🙂 You have some awesome goodies, why is the sugar called fairy floss, this is the second time I’ve seen it mentioned.

    • 🙂 She is a very generous woman!
      She said it was in strands, but in the mailing I’m seeing more of a powder. I think the floss comes from the original shape.

  4. Did I miss your birthday? If so, happy belated birthday, Heidi! Your cake looks delicious, and obviously prepared with great love. The fairy floss is great fun, at the Moroccan restaurant we frequent, they serve it on top of gelato. I order dessert just to get some of it! And I wish I could go on Grandma camp too! 🙂 xx

    • This is the second year I’ve gone away on my birthday- but the dratted thing just keeps following on behind me! 😀 I’m past my middle 50’s so I wouldn’t mind missing a few – in a couple of years I’ll see 60 and well, yikes!
      My grandparents were all dead before I was born- so I never had the chance to go to Grandma’s- but I really enjoy having Aidan over by himself. We spend a lot of time talking and looking up into the sky and sharing funny stories.

  5. Hi there… the Food Lovers products are great! I managed a fresh produce market for a decade and the Food Lovers store was at the markets run by a lady named Janet. She sold the business to a couple and they kept it going. I think the store is still there. Yummy stuff.

  6. I agree- good stuff! The figs in brandy sauce just blew me away. In fact, I’ve asked my niece to bring back another jar when she comes home in August.
    She said there is a couple that runs the store where she bought them- and she’s in Canberra- so it must be the couple you mentioned. She laughed when I told her about your comment. She wondered if there was anywhere she could go that I didn’t have someone reporting back to me from? These IMK posts make friends far and wide,
    don’t they?

    • They sure do! Actually I just remembered that Janet Adams was the lady that started the business. And she and I got on very well. So well, that she gave me little bottles of cumquat brandy leftover brandy when she had finished bottling. Aw, it was like nectar!

  7. love the big monkey and little monkey in the kitchen – looks like fun – that orange blossom fairy floss looks exciting – do you pile that sort of thing on an orange chocolate cake (because I ond’t know what to do with it) – my latest experience of fairy floss was on turkish delight – and the food lovers goodies look very exciting – brandy syrup on cornbread sounds decadent

  8. Heidi that’s hilarious that I started a snake habit 🙂 (seriously though…they are good aren’t they!) They are the only confectionary I eat (besides chocolate). Too good!
    I don’t know that company brand at all (Food Lovers), so I will have to look out for them. It must be lovely getting a package from your niece while she is stationed around the world. Lots of goodies to explore with.

    and a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear lady 🙂

    • Brydie- I totally love them and I’m not a big gummie fan! My grandchildren always look for snakes at my house- and I’m totally hooked on them for traveling. (Although I would NEVER throw one out the window- NEVER).
      I do love the packages- they are always filled with great food, sometimes, books, coffee!
      And thanks for the b-day wishes- it was a very nice day! 🙂

  9. Mmmm! We had chicken fried rice tonight, except I didn’t have any rice, so I used brown rice noodles. DELICIOUS!

    I never got to go to “Grandma Camp” when I was little, but I DO have fun memories of going to Gramma’s house and having my aunts draw smily faces on my knees in the bathtub, riding a big dog named Duke, laying in a barn listening to horses in the stalls below me, picking wild strawberries in the fields, experiencing stinging nettle, being taught how to crack my gum (I was so fascinated by Aunt Cynthia’s expertise! She encouraged me by saying that some day I would just know how to do it! And I do! :). I also remember playing dress up with those aunts, having a sleep over in their bedroom and being allowed to rummage through Gramma’s Tupperware cupboard. Oh, so many memories coming back now, and they were so much fun! I have the best aunts in the world!

    • Martha- that WAS Grandma Camp- you just had the bonus of aunts that loved to play with little girls!
      Jordan and Aidan put together some very technical buildings and ran around the yard with water pistols during his week here- maybe Aidan thought it was more like hangin’ with my uncle JoJo!
      I never had a grandma when I was growing up- but I had Aunt Anna and I treasure the times we got to spend at her home- she always treated us like we mattered- really mattered- and that is the essence of the experience. To know that you are someone very special in someone else’s life.
      I’m thinking chicken fried rice will be my next rice meal. I’d really like shrimp fried rice, but Uncle Frank can’t stand shrimp. 🙁

    • Absolutely- top notch products!
      I’m so happy to be gifted with a loving niece who has a good eye and palate!
      The contents of my packages are always a delight!
      And I’m already wondering what I’m going to do when she leaves Australia in a couple of years-
      (but then she’ll be somewhere else and still sending packages!)

  10. I love fried rice with bits in – it’s one of our favourites too! Oglling your parcel of goodies as well, what fun to have new ingredients to play with. Must catch up with your other posts as well xx Joanna

  11. Hi Joanna- I really missed you whilst you were on your hiatus-really good to see you are, indeed, back!
    It is fun to play with new ingredients and to taste some of the most innovative products out there. I’m always a little hesitant, though- Playing with new vs. Tried and true!

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