Stretching VS Growing

We’ve all heard it, I think.

That encouraging statement from our spiritual family.

“Honey, God is just trying to stretch you with this ____________(fill in the blank).”

I have been guilty of saying it.

I’m sorry.

Because although stretching is important.  And sometimes it feels good to stretch when you haven’t moved lately.

BEING stretched is a different story.

That is torture- you know like on the rack?

I am a short woman.  I have short arms and legs- I’m built like a hobbit.

And my kitchen is built for an Amazon.  So I stretch all the time.

Getting stuff out of the cupboard, putting stuff into the cupboards, looking for stuff on the top shelf of anywhere is difficult and hurts.

I KNOW all about stretching- and when something is out of reach- stretching is not always the answer anyway. 


I went out to look at my rosebush in the rain this morning.

Rosebush in October 001 Pretty, isn’t it?

It’s not stretching out there.  It’s growing.

It’s mid October and still growing.

Rosebush in October 002 Rosebush in October 003 Rosebush in October 005

It is beautiful.  And when it does finally stop blooming and the leaves curl in the frost and cold.

It will still be growing.

Underground the roots will continue to grow-

going deeper-

becoming stronger-

preparing for additional growth in the Spring.

And isn’t growing what the Lord wants us to do anyway?

I’ve never seen a scripture that says, Stretch into grace.

Or to stretch out your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I understand the concept behind the statement.

I just don’t like it.

God is doing a work in me.

Ephesians 2:10 says we are his workmanship,

and that we are fitted to grow into a holy temple

so that the Holy Spirit can live within us.

I am committed to growing.


Not so much.

Because I want to end up looking like this in God’s hand-

Rosebush in October 008

(being stretched makes me think of plastic surgery- the skin stretched so tight that you can’t even smile.  I don’t want to look like Joan Rivers!)

3 thoughts on “Stretching VS Growing

  1. Oh, my, Heidi. I’m guilty of saying that too. Even very recently. No more! I am growing–I like your insight. Thanks for encouraging us with that today. (Your roses are beautiful, by the way!)

  2. Beautiful flowers!! I keep thinking about those lovely rosehips there, too. 🙂

    I also cringe at the stretching part. I think it’s because I am not fond of change. Yes, I want to BE changed, but I don’t like the actual act of changing. I am content with the familiar and the KNOWN. Stretching to me equals change and I don’t do well with that.

  3. Being stretched is an awful lot like pruning, don’t you think. Now that is something that really can cause pain! And yet if it brings you closer to God, it’s worth it… right? I remember when my mom was dying how she would question why my dad had to die (5 years before) and why he had to suffer. They say hind sight is 20/20 and of course I look back on that time and see all the people my mom came in contact with because of her illness, who wrote letters to us, sharing how her words and her battle were such a testimony to the Lord.

    I am with you … I don’t want to be stretched and I don’t want to be pruned. But I do want to be who God made me to be and if I am not quite making it, then I praise Him “in the storms” that bring me closer to Him.

    Glad I found your blog this morning. It was a good devotion for me.

    Also – I love the pink roses. My favorite colors are pink and green!

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