Yankee Peddler and eucalyptus wreaths

Every year in September- there is a huge craft show/sale with an American Colonial theme here in NE Ohio.  The crafts and foods are made without the use of modern technology, the crafters give demonstrations of their work and there is the wonderful fragrance of wood smoke and cooking food in the woodsas you go from booth to booth.

Aidan and Willow and I had a great time this morning watching the blacksmith make hooks and the candle wicks being dipped into the beeswax, the ladies weaving baskets and peeling apples for fritters.  We ate corn on the cob and fought off the yellow jackets.  We listened to dulcimers being hammered and fiddles being picked and bag pipes being tortured (just kidding, I like bag pipes).

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We saw brooms being made and used a hand drawn drill.

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And danced with the music that was sung for the enjoyment of a happy little boy.

I also bought some eucalyptus and made some wreaths.

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eucalyptus, rosemary and lemongrass

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It smells so good and fresh and looks so ready for the holidays.

Why is it still September?

10 thoughts on “Yankee Peddler and eucalyptus wreaths

  1. What a great wreath! I would call it Septembery looking.

    I do have, at this moment, two Christmas idea books on the table because…. I just want to think about Christmas ideas!

  2. Elizabeth-My September wreath thanks you for the approval! Keep thinking and let me know what you come up with – Christmas wise!
    Celia- It was so much fun. Aidan dances and claps through life right now- he was directing one group as they sang and played their instruments!

  3. The light filtering through the trees is very similar to the light here right now. Is it cold and crisp or still warm? I love the idea of a crafts show in the woods, smell the hot metal at the blacksmiths and the warm smell of melting wax – and the music and the dancing – transported back in time like that – I think the music does it – I’ve never heard a dulcimer, makes me think of hooped skirts and bonnets. What fun!

  4. Brydie- Much fun- a day well spent!

    Crisp and cold morning and evening – warm in the middle of the day.
    The dulcimer is a mountain instrument that has been taking a much larger place in American folk music for the last 40 to 50 years. Much like a zither it is stringed and has an almost sorrowful sound when hammered. It is perfect for simple hymns and light dance tunes. The vendors are all dressed in period costumes- so hooped skirts and bonnets abound. Did I mention they also had a Revolutionary war camp site and a mountain man encampment? And then further into the woods, they had four covered wagons circled around a fire where women could cook . They were working on their clothing, darning and laundring when we peeked into the circle.
    It was great fun.

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